Hey, I couldn’t have gotten where I am if I didn’t have a few things going for me. I’m the CEO of an I.T. consulting company, I love my wife, my kids are great. I get along fine with people at work and away from the job, no problem. But this I know from working around computers: when there is a bug in the system, even a very little glitch, it can throw everything off. That’s why I wasn’t willing to put up with the little things that were wrong with my smile.
Maybe you wouldn’t notice, but I did. Little things can be big. I made this one little change, and maybe it doesn’t seem so much to you, but to me, the difference … well, it makes a difference. That’s all I can tell you. I notice these things.
Before & after
do you want to smile like JONATHAN
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We appreciate a man with an eye for detail. Jonathan noticed that as he grew older. His teeth looked different in small noticeable ways. Maybe what Jonathan saw in the mirror reminds you of what you’re seeing. The color of his teeth had changed, and not for the better. Normal wear and tear over the course of a lifetime can leave visible damage. And that’s no illusion – your teeth can become shorter as you grow older. And more importantly, in today’s business world your teeth say a lot about your level of success. We used Lowenberg, Lituchy, and Kantor porcelain veneers to lengthen Jonathan’s teeth, to create a naturally whiter appearance, and to bring his smile into sharper focus. There’s nothing inherently manly about chipped teeth. Sometimes it takes a big man to admit he’d like to be a big handsome man, too.